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Health is Wealth: Wellness at The Betsy
outdoor spa

The Betsy’s wellness program addresses mind and body. Our focus is on rest, relaxation, and renewal.  Also important are the creative discovery programs we offer that exercise and inspire your mind.

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.  - Mahatma Gandhi 

outdoor spa

The Betsy is the home to the only outdoor spa in Miami. It’s located on the Ocean Front Deck, three stories above the ocean. Designed with wood, stone, bamboo and other natural fibers, retractable sails offer shelter from sun and rain, and there’s a bar close by to mix and serve your favorite drink. We create our own signature therapies that mirror our commitment to and interest in global arts and culture – and even our Spa brochure quotes from the world’s great writers and thinkers.  Each therapy begins with a trip to our Aromatherapy Bar, where we will guide you through a selection of natural elements, based upon your own unique sensibilities and state of being.


Before you worry about the beauty of your body, worry about the health of your body.  - Amit Kalantri

inside the hotel gym

The Betsy hotel has a new gym, intimate and state-of-the-art, open 24-hours a day, with two Peloton bikes that will connect you to your own, specially selected, online classes. We can also set up private training sessions through our concierge team, and you can choose from indoor or beach-front programs.


Swimming is my home. - Michael Phelps

rooftop pool

Two beautiful pools adorn The Betsy, one on each side of the property.  This includes an infinity pool on top of the Art Deco Wing with 360-degree ocean and city views, and a smaller historic pool in the courtyard of the Colonial Wing. Guests may choose to soak up the sun, swim laps, or relax with a book and a drink on a chaise.  Pools are open dawn to dusk.


A powerful Vinyasa practice can shake things up (and) calm things done. - Rusty Wells 

people doing yoga

The Betsy features Vinyasa Yoga four mornings a week, at daybreak (7:30 AM) on the Skyline Deck. Vinyasa Yoga is unique in that no two classes are ever exactly alike. The practice by nature helps prevent repetitive injuries and explores the inspiration and intent behind postures, allowing participants to experiment with the duration of poses. We provide yoga mats and bottled water for our guests, as well as a fully credentialed yoga instructor, with all of these offered free to our guests. 


Arts and Culture
Music causes us to think... - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

people playing music

Studies show that experiencing good music (whether you’re the performer or appreciator) benefits you in so many ways – including your emotions, stress levels, memory, and actual cognition. From artists in residence (more than 800 so far) to pop-up opera performances, classical string quartets, poetry readings and book signings, as well as Live Jazz seven nights a week, there is truly an event every single night, and many days too.


Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still. – Dorothea Lange

And though our exhibitions are part of our arts and culture program, they’re so amazing, that they get their own section of this blog. Curated by our co-owner, Lesley Goldwasser, our art shows exhibit work that is shown in major galleries around the world. With a focus on photography, our shows in 2019-2020 will include work from the studios and galleries of Ike Ude, Michael Halsban, Pete Turner, Andrew Kauffman, Robert Zuckerman, Andy Sweet, Mario Algaze, and Carlos Andres Cruz. The Betsy has 900+ works of art inside of its walls. Guests staying at the hotel can always request a private tour.


Great Food
I want to serve the kind of food my grandmother prepared:  local and healthy.   - Laurent Tourondel 

spread of food at The Betsy

The Betsy has two restaurants, LT Steak and Seafood and The Alley Pizzeria. Both serve locally sourced ingredients, prepared by a highly trained chef team that is inspired by excellence – and supervised by international award-winning Chef Laurent Tourondel. Whether your diet requires fresh seafood, beef, pork, or none-of-the-above (if you’re gluten free or vegan), we offer it all.  If you have special food requirements, please call ahead of your trip, so we can prepare for your visit.


Your health and wellness are our priority. We want you to go home feeling healthier than you have in years.


Expect no more. This is happiness.™